The revolutionary way to actively prevent congestion

The science behind SinuSauna

Germs do not like temperatures over 102°F.

Germs thrive in a wet environment. SinuSauna delivers heated air at 130°F to proactively limit germs before they build up.

Heated dry air can stimulate the production of heat shock proteins (HSPs) helping your immune system's natural ability to fight off respiratory infections.

HSPs help your cells:

  • Reorganize
  • Stabilize
  • Revitalize
  • Limit Germs

    Delivers the power of heated dry air therapy to proactively limit germs before they build up.

  • Avoid Nasal Irrigation

    With regular use, you can avoid the discomfort of flushing your sinuses.

  • Easy to Use

    Use just 20 minutes, 2-3 times a week for effortless and effective nasal cleansing.


How SinuSauna is helping chronic congestion sufferers

  • No need to flush sinuses

    “I was not sure at first, but after just a short time using it, I’ve not felt the need to flush my sinuses.”

  • Shortened my cold

    “Usually, it takes me weeks to get over my colds, but this time it took only about a week before my cold was gone.”
-Katie B.

  • My stuffiness is gone

    “It has eliminated my need to use a sinus wash and I wake up in the morning without stuffiness.”
 -Barb B.

  • This is a miracle

    “After just 5 days of 20-minute treatments, the thick mucus is gone! As far as I'm concerned, this is a miracle!”
-George S.

  • My sinuses feel cleaner

    “After 20 minutes I felt refreshed and my sinuses felt cleaner. Like a sauna—breathing warm air.”

    -Lisa H.

  • No more sinus wash

    “I’ve spent my entire career in consumer focused medical devices and I’m convinced this is a breakthrough product." -Don D.  

  • Frequent cold sufferers

    Dry out germs in the nose and throat in a non-invasive way.

  • Parents

    Limit the impact of what your children bring home from school and daycare. (SinuSauna is not currently designed to fit children.)

  • Frequent travelers

    Use at home or while traveling to promote respiratory wellness.

  • Medical professionals

    Incorporate into your wellness routine to dry out germs you encounter daily.

  • Caregivers

    Stay healthy to avoid spreading germs to those who rely on you as their caregiver.

  • Allergy sufferers

    Don't let allergies rule your life. Limit allergy symptoms with this revolutionary mask.

When to use SinuSauna

Proactively, anytime!

Use SinuSauna proactively 2-4 times a week to avoid chronic congestion.

Before bed...

Before you head to bed, use SinuSauna to limit post-nasal drip and the headache of sleepless nights.

At the first tickle...

As soon as you get the "first tickle," use SinuSauna to limit germ growth and cold symptoms.